HOPEX Platform | MEGA Skip to main content MEGA International MEGA International Main navigation Products Enterprise Architecture Business Process Management Governance, Risk and Compliance Data governance Platform HOPEX Platform HOPEX Aquila Product Releases Customer Success Customer Stories Services Training User Community Resources Resource Center MEGA Community Blog Customer Stories Newsroom Events About MEGA Our Company Sustainability Careers Partners Contact us Hamburger Menu Home Platform MEGA HOPEX PlatformRequest a demo Discover our latest releaseOne Hub. Endless Collaboration.Leverage a collaborative SaaS platform to accelerate transformationThe HOPEX platform is a modern, secure, and scalable SaaS platform that integrates seamlessly into the company's IT ecosystem. Designed to evolve alongside your company's growth, the platform offers solid foundations that ensure consistency, scalability, and return on investment maximization. MEGA HOPEX Platform enables collaboration, automation, and actionable insights to accelerate transformation initiatives. CollaborativeConnect teams in one single platform, accessing the same information to create engagement and deliver value for all. Data-drivenGet actionable analytics for informed decision-making thanks to a common and shared data repository, guaranteeing reliability. AutomatedLeverage generative AI/ML and automated features to enhance the team’s skills and accelerate projects and time-to-value.HOPEX Platform main capabilitiesAll the tools and capabilities needed to enhance strategic alignment and accelerate transformation initiatives in one innovative platform connecting business and IT. Automated data collectionSave time building your repository with automatic discovery and generative AI/ML. Unified repositoryCentralize all data in one place and define a single source of truth. Modeling engineUse best-in-class diagramming for business, architecture, and data modeling. Assessment engineQuickly build and update your repository using a crowdsourcing approach. Reports and dashboardsFoster decision-making with a data-driven platform. Enterprise portalEnhance communication across your organization. CollaborationGather teams within a unique collaborative workspace and ease team communication. Configurable metamodelAdapt MEGA HOPEX to your operating model with easy-to-use customization options. Open APIsSeamlessly integrate your repository into your IT landscape. See how it worksBased on Microsoft Azure infrastructure and certified SOC2 type 2, MEGA HOPEX guarantees industry-leading security, confidentiality, and availability standards.Out-of-the-box APIs and integrations with the HOPEX PlatformEstablish the MEGA HOPEX Platform as your core operating system. Connect it to your IT ecosystem with third-party products and build an enterprise hub.SaaS discoveryAutomatically and continuously detect all SaaS applications.Application health assessmentGet metrics on software code for your in-house applications and assess their cloud readiness.Data discovery Employ built-in connectors based on CDATA’s automatic discovery to industrialize metadata discovery from various data sources and build data catalogs.Technology discovery and lifecycle managementAutomatically discover technologies to build your inventory.Technology lifecycle managementMonitor technology obsolescence and mitigate technology risks.Technical data lineageBenefit from a data lineage platform that provides full visibility and control of your data pipeline.Data discovery Connect your relational databases to the HOPEX repository to generate models and retrieve metadata directly.CollaborationSimply share business process models, architecture diagrams, data, analytics and foster collaboration.Productivity and communicationQuickly import and/or export data within HOPEX with Office applications.Data discovery Connect your relational databases to the HOPEX repository to generate models and retrieve metadata directly.IntegrationEfficiently integrate with third-party products.Regulatory intelligence Retrieve harmonized regulatory content and associated controls from more than 1,000+ regulations and industry standards worldwide. See all integrationsEnhance enterprise collaboration with MEGA HOPEX ProductsInvest in a scalable platform that fosters team collaboration and generates beneficial synergies. Connect your practices and leverage HOPEX as your core operating system for implementing enterprise governance. Enterprise ArchitectureTransform and secure your IT landscape in line with your business objectives Business Process ManagementDrive business process transformation to reach operational excellence Governance Risk and ComplianceStreamline GRC management for resilient and sustainable growth Data GovernanceShare a common enterprise data language, build trust, and drive business success See the immediate value for yourself!Request a demoRequest a demo MEGA International LinkedIn YouTube About MEGAOur CompanyLocationsCareersPartnersSustainabilityProductsEnterprise ArchitectureBusiness Process ManagementGovernance, Risk and ComplianceData governanceRequest a DemoSupport & ServicesSupport PortalTrainingProduct ReleasesResourceResource CenterMEGA CommunityBlogCustomer StoriesNewsroomEvents MEGA International MEGA International © 1994 - 2024. All rights reservedMEGA Group Data Privacy PolicySocial Media PolicyMEGA Terms and Conditions Select your language EnglishFrançaisEspañolGHopex新版交易页面上线,让你的交易更简单 - 知乎
Hopex新版交易页面上线,让你的交易更简单 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册Hopex新版交易页面上线,让你的交易更简单Hopex运营小姐姐Hopex成立于2018年10月,是业内首家推出USDT本位合约和正反双向持仓功能的交易所。Hopex因永续合约而起家,在短时间内迅速聚集了国内外大量用户,收到了投资者和用户青睐。然而Hopex的蓝图不仅于此,创始人Frank多次在媒体面前表示Hopex的目标是成为业内最专业的数字衍生品交易所。为达成这一目标,Hopex配备了专业的金融专家团队,将传统金融结构性衍生品经过改进引入数字货币领域,在2020年再次成为业内首家推出牛熊证和界内证的交易所,为数字货币衍生品领域注入了新鲜的血液和可能性。在2020年两款新衍生产品——牛熊证和界内证发布同期,Hopex同步规划平台升级,并在2020年12月Web2.0版本正式上线,给用户提供了更美观的页面展示,更灵活的交互,和更实用的交易功能。 (二维码自动识别)1、页面优化Web2.0版本在原页面基础上进行了视觉以及布局优化,使交易板块更加美观,更加符合用户的使用习惯。2、快捷开仓在新版交易页面的K线图右上方添加了快捷开仓悬浮窗,用户可以全屏显示K线图,并在合适点位输入自己想要开仓的数量,以市价一键开仓,省去了切换页面找寻开平仓板块的烦恼。3、快捷平仓在新版交易页面的K线图上方添加了“显示持仓线”按钮,点击后持仓点位可在K线图上显示出来。用户可通过持仓线左侧的“平仓”按钮进行一键平仓。4、一键反手当行情与目前开仓方向相反时,用户的开平仓操作时间过长可能影响利益最大化,这时候就可以通过一键反手将目前的多头更改为空头,或者空头更改为多头。一键反手与快捷平仓类似,都显示在K线图上的持仓线位置,用户可通过点击“反手“按钮快速完成反手操作。5、快讯播报用户在盯盘时,需要根据市场消息即时作出反应进行开平仓操作。Hopex将快讯播报添加在交易页面下方,满足交易者随时获知基本面的诉求,让用户不错过任何的利好、利空消息,不错失交易机会。发布于 2020-12-11 14:43数字货币交易所比特币投资赞同1 条评论分享喜欢收藏申请
Hopex牛熊证:史上最实用教程 - 知乎
Hopex牛熊证:史上最实用教程 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册Hopex牛熊证:史上最实用教程Hopex运营小姐姐距离Hopex推出牛熊证模拟盘已过去三周时间,在这三周时间里,Hopex收到了社区用户的各种反馈以及建议。伴随着紧锣密鼓地更新迭代,Hopex将于5月11日正式上线牛熊证实盘,与模拟盘的第一版相比,实盘的操作界面更加简洁明了,节省了交易者的操作成本。此次Hopex上线的牛熊证实盘并非全量开放版,更像是实盘内测,即开放给一部分白名单用户,而非白名单用户在实盘中看不到牛熊证页面。当然,报名成为首批牛熊证白名单的用户将会享受到一系列福利,比如,免手续费,获得体验金等。说了这么多,让我们进入正题——如何选择以及交易Hopex牛熊证?选择牛熊证,你需要重点观察对比以下数据,以选择出最适合你的牛熊证。1. 牛证或者熊证。首先需要确定自己对于后市的预判,看好后市就选择牛证,如果对后市没有信心,就选择熊证。通过观察名称,牛证和熊证就一目了然啦。2. 杠杆比率。每一只牛熊证的杠杆比率是根据现价变动不断变动的。当交易者买入一只牛熊证后,对于该交易者来说,买入那一刻的杠杆比率就成为了他持有该只牛熊证的固定杠杆比率。众所周知,杠杆比率越大风险越高。交易者可以根据对比不同的牛熊证的杠杆比率选择最符合自己风险偏好的牛熊证。现货价格与收回价之间距离越近,意味着杠杆越高,同时也意味着被强制收回的可能性越大。所以,对于超过20倍杠杆的牛熊证,请注意现货价与收回价之间还有多少浮动空间哦,有把握的时候再下手。3. 收回价。收回价是牛熊证中非常重要的指标,它意味着现货价格到达收回价时,该牛熊证就将被强制收回。同时,Hopex还提供了“距收回价”这个数据,距收回价就是衡量现货价格距离收回价还有多远。交易者可以对比每 一只牛熊证收回价和现货指数的差额,现货价格距离收回价越近,风险越大,杠杆越高;现货价格距离收回价越远,风险越小,杠杆越低。4. 行使价。行使价是指合约内指定在到期日或行使日持有人用这个价钱买入或卖出相关标的资产的价钱。牛熊证均以现金而非实际标的资产做结算交收。5. 溢价。每只牛熊证都有财务费用,财务费用亦是发行商提供杠杆式产品所收取的服务费,这个财务费用就可以理解为牛熊证的溢价。财务费用的计算与年化借贷利息和持有时间有关系,牛熊证的借贷利息越高,持有时间越长,财务费用越高,相对你的额外成本就越高。但是因为财务费用都是经过发行商评估的,都会控制再相对合理的范围内,所以交易者也无需担心。6. 兑换比率。兑换比率指的是控制一份标的资产所需的牛熊证份数。兑换比率决定了牛熊证价格对标的资产价格的敏感程度。兑换比率越大,牛熊证价格对标的资产价格变动越不敏感,一般来说,5000-10000的兑换比例都是可以的。在以上数据中,交易者需要重点关注前四点。这四点将直接决定交易者的收益和亏损。了解了这些基本概念后,用户就可以成功选出符合自己心理预期的牛熊证并进行交易了。牛熊证的交易方式比永续合约简单得多,并且手续费也低的多。接下来我们就简单介绍一下。Hopex牛熊证交易分为限价交易和市价交易。选定一只牛熊证后,买入即是开单,卖出即是平仓。需要注意的一点是,不同的牛熊证可能最小交易单位不同,交易者在手动输入买入卖出数量时,需要让开平仓数量是最小交易单位的整数倍才可成功开仓。看到这里,关于牛熊证的基本选择方式以及交易方法,你都已经掌握了。赶紧报名Hopex白名单用户试试身手吧!发布于 2020-05-11 14:05期货交易比特币 (Bitcoin)投资赞同 1添加评论分享喜欢收藏申请
MEGA HOPEX Platform features | MEGA
HOPEX Platform features | MEGA Skip to main content MEGA International MEGA International Main navigation Products Enterprise Architecture Business Process Management Governance, Risk and Compliance Data governance Platform HOPEX Platform HOPEX Aquila Product Releases Customer Success Customer Stories Services Training User Community Resources Resource Center MEGA Community Blog Customer Stories Newsroom Events About MEGA Our Company Sustainability Careers Partners Contact us Hamburger Menu Home Platform HOPEX Platform MEGA HOPEX Platform features MEGA HOPEX Platform featuresRequest a demoAll the capabilities you need in one collaborative and evolving platform Automated data collectionSave time building your repository with generative AI/MLAutomatic discovery: Automatically detect software products and data the organization uses.Excel import: upload your data using a tailored Excel template.Industry content: Leverage embedded content such as frameworks and industry capability maps. Unified repositoryCentralize all business and IT data in one place and define a single source of truthSingle repository: Centralize all your organization’s data in one place.Multiple view: Connect IT systems, business elements, data, risks and identify interdependencies.Contextual search: Use a modern contextual search engine to find accurate and trusted data. Modeling engineUse best-in-class diagramming for business, architecture, and data modelingAutomation: Use automatic features like initialization and auto-layout to accelerate the mapping.As is/To be: Model and compare current and future states of models.Embedded content: Leverage industry content and templates to facilitate the design. Reports and analyticsFoster decision-making with a data-driven platformSmart analysis: Get automatic recommendations from powerful algorithms to decide how to transform the organization.Impact analysis: Perform complete environment analysis before executing transformation to identify potential impacts and mitigate risks.Tailored reports: Leverage out-of-the-box templates or easily configure reports and dashboards to monitor projects. Configurable metamodelAdapt MEGA HOPEX to your operating model with easy-to-use customization optionsMetamodel extension: Easily expand the HOPEX metamodel to cater to your unique requirements.Profiles and permissions: Define user profiles and data access rules to strengthen repository governance. Assesment engineQuickly build and update your repository using a crowdsourcing approachAssessment: Assess assets based on predefined criteria.Surveys: Use out-of-the-box templates or create your own forms.Campaigns: Plan assessment campaigns and monitor users’ responses. Enterprise portalEnhance communication across your organizationHOPEX 360: Share insights across your organization with a ready-to-use enterprise portal.CIO dashboard: Leverage a pre-defined dashboard to demonstrate tangible business results to the C-suite.Configurability: Define what to publish and to whom. CollaborationGather teams within a unique collaborative workspace and ease team communicationActivity feed: Users can chat and subscribe to repository objects for automatic change notifications.Collaborative workflows: Intuitively designed workflows such as for data validation and change requests to improve collaboration.Shared templates: Create and share your own architecture templates to speed up the development of reference models. Open APIsSeamlessly integrate your repository into your IT landscapeOut-of-the-box connectors: Integrate the HOPEX platform to third-party products with out-of-the-box connectors.REST API: Integrate with the tools you need by leveraging simple, efficient, industrialized GraphQL and REST APIs evolving as your business needs change.MEGA HOPEX PlatformEstablish the HOPEX platform as your core operating systemConnect to third-party toolsExchange with peers on tips and best practicesJoin the MEGA CommunitySee the immediate value for yourself!Request a demoRequest a demo MEGA International LinkedIn YouTube About MEGAOur CompanyLocationsCareersPartnersSustainabilityProductsEnterprise ArchitectureBusiness Process ManagementGovernance, Risk and ComplianceData governanceRequest a DemoSupport & ServicesSupport PortalTrainingProduct ReleasesResourceResource CenterMEGA CommunityBlogCustomer StoriesNewsroomEvents MEGA International MEGA International © 1994 - 2024. All rights reservedMEGA Group Data Privacy PolicySocial Media PolicyMEGA Terms and Conditions Select your language EnglishFrançaisEspañolGHOPEX Data Governance Tool | MEGA
X Data Governance Tool | MEGA Skip to main content MEGA International MEGA International Main navigation Products Enterprise Architecture Business Process Management Governance, Risk and Compliance Data governance Platform HOPEX Platform HOPEX Aquila Product Releases Customer Success Customer Stories Services Training User Community Resources Resource Center MEGA Community Blog Customer Stories Newsroom Events About MEGA Our Company Sustainability Careers Partners Contact us Hamburger Menu Home Products Data governance Data Governance ToolRequest a demoTurn your data into a strategic assetShare a common enterprise data language, build trust and drive business successWe offer Chief Data Officers a collaborative data management tool for understanding data, ensuring effective data governance, and managing data privacy and compliance. Our unique integration with IT, business, and risk domains enables organizations to comprehensively grasp how enterprise data is used in applications and business processes and if it complies with the applicable regulations. With our data governance platform, develop a common data language to build data trust and ease decision-making that drives business growth. Understand your dataDiscover and map data easily with out-of-the-box connectorsAutomatically document metadata for data cataloging and business glossary creationBuild conceptual models directly from your databases using automatic modeling features Build data reliabilityUse campaign management to assess and remediate data qualityUnderstand how data is captured, consumed, and transformedAccelerate compliance with direct access to regulatory monitoring Engage your data communityFederate business and data office knowledge using a shared communication toolConduct data cataloging by sharing business concepts, repositories, and modelsUse ready-to-use reports to analyze and monitor your data governance operationsA leader in the Quadrant Knowledge Solutions SPARK MatrixTM for Data Governance Solutions, 2023.HOPEX Data Governance software core capabilitiesLeverage HOPEX Data Governance capabilities to build a single source of truth to manage data catalogs, build a business glossary, and set up a robust data governance practice. Data catalog and metadata managementCentralize all your metadata about data assets in one single repository. Data dictionary and business glossaryDefine and document data terms to share a common understanding across your organization. Functional data lineageAnalyze data transformation and conduct an impact analysis to assess the changes. Modeling toolRely on a best-in-class diagramming feature to effortlessly create your data models. AnalysisAnalyze your data and make informed decisions thanks to ready-to-use powerful reports. CollaborationGather all data community within a unique collaborative workspace and ease team communication.See how it worksMEGA HOPEX platform for enterprise data governanceEmbrace a new way to manage data by benefiting from a unique SaaS data management and governance platform enabling collaboration, automation, and actionable insights. CollaborativeFacilitate collaboration and communication among data stewards, data owners, data architects, and all stakeholders engaged in data governance by bringing them together on a unified data workspace. Data-drivenMake well-informed decisions based on powerful analytics and dashboards from comprehensive data. AutomatedLeverage automated features for data discovery and data modeling to accelerate data integration, projects and time-to-value. Discover how the HOPEX Platform works Integrate into your IT ecosystem and adopt a federated data management approachSeamlessly connect the HOPEX platform to your IT ecosystem with third-party products, such as master data management tools, to build a solid data foundation and drive transformation projects.Data discoveryUse built-in connectors to industrialize metadata discovery from Hive to create a data catalog.Data discoveryUse built-in connectors to industrialize metadata discovery from PostgreSQL to create a data catalog.Data discoveryUse built-in connectors to industrialize metadata discovery from Cassandra to create a data catalog.Data discoveryUse built-in connectors to industrialize metadata discovery from MongoDB to create a data catalog.Data discoveryUse built-in connectors to industrialize metadata discovery from Microsoft Excel to create a data catalog.Data discoveryUse built-in connectors to industrialize metadata discovery from Hadoop to create a data catalog.Data discoveryUse built-in connectors to industrialize metadata discovery from Salesforce to create a data catalog.Data discoveryUse built-in connectors to industrialize metadata discovery from SAP S/4 HANA to create a data catalog.Data discoveryConnect your relational databases to the HOPEX repository to generate models and retrieve metadata directly.Data discoveryConnect your relational databases (Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle) to the HOPEX repository to generate models and retrieve metadata directly.CollaborationLeverage Microsoft Teams workspaces to chat and share data catalogs, models, and analytics that foster collaboration.Productivity and communicationQuickly import and/or export data within HOPEX with Office applications.IntegrationEfficiently integrate with third-party products.Technical data lineageBenefit from a data lineage platform that provides full visibility and control of your data pipeline.See all integrationsBenefit from recognized data governance frameworksWork in a standardized manner using data governance and modeling frameworks supporting data regulations and data policies.Manage data governance and metadata using DMBOK ® V2 standards.Use HOPEX to create static and behavior UML diagrams in UML 2.3.Use HOPEX to ensure EU residents’ data meets the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).Use HOPEX to ensure your California resident data meets the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA).Utilize HOPEX for Basel III-aligned data modeling by importing risk data import, implementing governance and infrastructure, and enhancing data quality.Use data requirements BCBS 239 to strengthen banks’ risk data aggregation and internal risk reporting.Implement Solvency II data requirements to ensure data appropriateness, completeness, and accuracy.Retrieve regulatory content from UCF® (Unified Compliance Framework) that maps and harmonizes more than 10,000+ controls to more than 1,000+ regulations and standards.Data governance core use casesStart your journey by addressing your immediate need and expand to cover additional use cases. Invest in a scalable tool to grow your enterprise data management and governance and data security initiatives when needed. Data governanceAutomatically create a data catalog by discovering and documenting any metadata, and develop a shared business language for the whole company. Data complianceAccelerate data compliance and assess data quality. Data architectureDesign and manage the overall structure, organization, and integration of an organization's data assets. Privacy managementAssess and comply with global data privacy laws. See the immediate value for yourself!Request a demoRequest a demo MEGA International LinkedIn YouTube About MEGAOur CompanyLocationsCareersPartnersSustainabilityProductsEnterprise ArchitectureBusiness Process ManagementGovernance, Risk and ComplianceData governanceRequest a DemoSupport & ServicesSupport PortalTrainingProduct ReleasesResourceResource CenterMEGA CommunityBlogCustomer StoriesNewsroomEvents MEGA International MEGA International © 1994 - 2024. All rights reservedMEGA Group Data Privacy PolicySocial Media PolicyMEGA Terms and Conditions Select your language EnglishFrançaisEspañolGHOPEX正式获得美国及澳大利亚数字货币牌照 - 知乎
HOPEX正式获得美国及澳大利亚数字货币牌照 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册HOPEX正式获得美国及澳大利亚数字货币牌照Hopex运营小姐姐2020年,注定是不平凡的一年。在这一年里,大家经历了新冠疫情爆发,经历了原油负值事件,经历了美股四次触发“熔断”,经历了美国总统大选。对于区块链行业来说,更重要的是经历了比特币突破历史新高,这无疑是振奋行业的好消息。然而,监管一直是悬在每个币圈机构头上的一把达摩克利斯之剑,在2020年我们也听到很多机构、人员跑路或被调查等相关新闻,行业里的人们一时人心惶惶。任何一个行业从兴起到成熟的过程中,必然经历无序到有序,金融市场更是如此。相比前几年全球范围内对数字货币无监管的状态,现在随着大家对于区块链、对于数字货币的认知和接受度提高,有部分国家已经开始将数字货币纳入金融监管中,并且已经发布了相关法律法规。Hopex作为一家专注于数字衍生品的交易所,自2018年成立以来,一直以传统金融的行业监管标准要求自己,在开展业务过程中坚持安全、稳定、公平的宗旨。与此同时,Hopex从未停止过对于合规和监管的探索,并在2020年5月14日获得加拿大金融监管部门颁发的MSB金融服务牌照,这是Hopex在全球化,合规化以及分布式运营道路上迈出的第一步。2020年下半年,Hopex继续在合规监管上发力,希望能成为2020年8月1日,Hopex正式获得美国MSB牌照。2020年11月10日,Hopex正式获得澳大利亚AUSTRAC牌照。这两块牌照的获得是Hopex在接纳合规监管道路上的里程碑,形成了一个分布式、高效协同、多产品化、国际化的数字资产衍生品生态。在2021年,Hopex将继续加强合规化、全球化,积极拥抱监管,力争做业内首批合规运营的交易所。以安全、公平、稳定的宗旨服务客户,将客户的利益摆在第一位,同时,为行业的发展贡献自己的一份力量。发布于 2020-11-30 17:48币圈比特币投资期货交易赞同添加评论分享喜欢收藏申请
New Release HOPEX V5 - MEGA Community
New Release HOPEX V5 - MEGA Community
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New Release HOPEX V5
New Release HOPEX V5
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10:47 AM
In summary, HOPEX V5 represents the Next-Gen EA platform with:
Connected EA: connecting on a single repository EA with BPM, Data, Risk perspectives
Automation: with automatic discovery of applications, processes, and data; and many auto-diagraming functionalities to accelerate projects and improve productivity
Smart insights and recommendations: with our new dashboarding engine quickly build your own dashboards to analyze the data. We also developed a new smart recommendation functionality for application rationalization and cloud migration.
Here is an overview of some of the main additions and improvements you’ll find in HOPEX V5:
HOPEX IT Architecture
HOPEX Business Process Analysis
HOPEX Data Governance
HOPEX Information Architecture
HOPEX Integrated Risk Management (IRM)
Check out the full HOPEX V5 Release Note for more information on the release.
Many improvements are meant to accelerate EA projects from strategy to execution. This is achieved by automating the data collection with application discovery, increasing the business focus of ITBM with more powerful and flexible capability maps and the addition of customer journeys. This new version also introduces smart recommendations to help you take objective data-driven decisions on application rationalization and cloud migration.
New User Interface
Menu entries have been reduced to a manageable number and reorganized to give the product a more business oriented ergonomic.
Main improvements are:
Quick access to Business Capability Map Breakdown reports (box in box), via the “Business Architecture / Capability Maps” menu item
Direct access to Applications and Technologies through dedicated menu entries
A new “Tools” menu entry, listing business and use case-oriented functionalities
All main concepts of the solution are accessible via the “Inventories” menu
Property pages
Property pages now use multicolumn to maximizes the use of the available space. Colorful Indicators clearly highlight the current status and calculated properties of the main concepts.
Automatic Data Collection
It is now possible to automatically discover all your applications and technologies with our native Eracent integration. This integration will help you quickly populate your repository with all applications and technologies running on you network, from Data Centers to Desktops and mobile devices. Eracent’s IT Management Center (ITMC) Discovery empowers users with broad discovery, inventory and utilization features that provide a complete and up-to-date picture of your entire network environment
Capability Maps
Capability Maps have been greatly enhanced in HOPEX V5, with the possibility to apply multiple filters to and to display legends…
Customer Journey Mapping
A new Customer Journey Mapping module is now included in ITBM to enhance the business support. It allows enterprise architects to better engage with business stakeholders with a customer centric view.
Capabilities can now be linked to touchpoints, to support a Business Architecture use case for Customer Journey
Smart Recommendations
ITPM/ITBM now includes Smart Recommendations support data-driven decisions and a mechanism to record them. Smart recommendations are provided to help you rationalize your application portfolio following the TIME methodology (Tolerate, Invest, Modernize, Eliminate)
Smart recommendations also apply to Cloud Migration giving portfolio managers keys and recommendations on whether an application should be migrated on the cloud, and how. Possible decisions are known as the 6 “R”: (Rehosting, Re-platforming, Refactoring, Retiring, Retaining, Repurchase)
HOPEX IT Architecture
Many new functionalities in HOPEX IT architecture focus on facilitating the work of solution architects. They can now simply leverage a library of cloud services (Azure, Google Cloud, AWS) to quickly model cloudarchitectures. New wizards accelerate the initialization of environment diagrams and new modeling capabilities have been added to model integration chains and micro-services.
Last but not least the solution UI/UX has been modernized and aligned with the same style sheet as all other HOPEX solutions.
Many improvements have been made to simplify the usage of the solution and make the navigation more intuitive
The solution has been switched to the new desktop look and feel and the menus have been reviewed and rationalized.
New rules for IT Architecture shapes have been set to improve look and readability.
Property pages have been improved using columns to display attributes.
Modeling capabilities
Integration Chain: with this new modeling capability users can now design integration chain using the Enterprise Integration Pattern notation. This model allows to design integration process supporting application flow from all HOPEX scenarios of flows
Business Capability Map and Functional Map: an improved Business Capability (tree) diagram has been added to come closer to former City Planning diagram and extend the features to Functionality (tree) diagram.
Auto positioning: HOPEX provides an auto-positioning feature in environment diagrams (structure or scenario of flows diagram) of Application System, Application etc.
Wizards for environment diagrams: IT Architecture proposes an initialization wizard for environment diagrams (structure or scenario of flows diagram) of Application System and Application. The wizard searches and proposes all existing application flows (or interactions) defined in the repository around the environment “subject” and propose to “reuse” some of them in the new diagram. User selects which contents and partners he wants to “reuse” and wizard creates corresponding needed objects.
Cloud Services
It is possible to import in HOPEX the cloud service catalogs of Amazon (AWS), Microsoft (Azure) and Google (GCS). Import files contain service cloud names and images.
Cloud service (or IT Device) can be used in Deployment Architecture to define prescription for deployable package hosting solution. Cloud service (or IT Device) image will then be displayed in the deployable package shape.
Micro Services
It is now possible to add a micro-service in a deployment architecture (as a self-deployed component).
HOPEX Business Process Analysis
HOPEX BPA benefits from many improvements to ensure you can fully support process enhancement projects starting from Process Discovery to understand how your operations are really executed, Process Simulation to compare various transformation scenario, a modernized Process Modeling engine and new dashboarding capabilities to monitor the progress of your process initiatives.
HOPEX BPA benefits from the new dashboarding engine with new report data set definitions and guidelines to enable building the following dashboard:
Process diagrams comparison
Processes duplicates can be visually compared for an efficient gap analysis of new / modified / deleted items.
Filter created / modified / deleted items highlighting
Use slide, column, or vertical display mode
Customer Journey Mapping
The Customer Journey Mapping module has been enhanced with the possibility to link touchpoints to capabilities and the UI/UX improved with a new look and feel and the possibility to edit the diagram once automatically created with the tabular entry
Process Simulation
The HOPEX Process Simulation option for HOPEX Business Process Analysis adds the quantitative analysis capabilities to the process description, so as to close the loop of continuous process improvement cycle
Import process description and performance metrics from Process Mining tools
Initialize simulation data (e.g., operations performing time and statistical distribution, use log as input distribution) based on Process Mining inputs
Run what if simulation scenarios to assess improvement assumptions, and produce reports
Process Mining
Process Discovery
Improved ability to import BPMN process description from Process Mining tools and beautify layout using auto layout
Conversely, the standard BPMN export can be used to perform Process Conformance analysis in Process Mining tools
Process Analysis
New feature to import a Process Mining “Process Map” snapshot
New Process Mining results reports showing these Process Mining metrics as heatmap and tables.
HOPEX Data Governance
In the digital world we live in, managing data as a strategic asset is imperative to support business transformation and build innovative business models. This is why in HOPEX V5 we introduce a new HOPEX Data Governance solution to help CDOs and the Data Office to understand how data is captured, used and transformed. The solution easily connects to multiple data sources thanks to data discovery and out-of-the-box connectors to quickly build data repositories. It supports all data stakeholder missions (data knowledge, quality, compliance…) and benefits from synergies with EA, BPM and GRC to understand how data is managed and exchanged between applications, how it is used in business processes and how to ensure data compliance leveraging HOPEX GRC functionalities. HOPEX Data Governance includes all features of HOPEX Information Architecture plus many new modules and functionalities needed to perform data governance.
HOPEX Data Governance functional coverage
Data Discovery
The solution industrializes data discovery from multiple data sources: databases, NoSQL, Big Data, ERP, CRM… The data discovery module can be used in online or standalone mode on premise.
Data Catalog & Business Glossary
The data catalog is obtained through automatic data discovery and can be enriched manually, one or more data catalogs can be created to manage specific metadata scopes for specific organizations, to achieve quantitative and qualitative goals and compliance purposes for targeted regulatory and Business policies.
Collaboration is facilitated via a user-friendly workflow to validate data models and quickly build a repository of data catalogs and data models.
Discovered Data Asset as meta dataset, meta field, metadata inventory can be used to initialize Business Information and to build the Business Glossary.
Data Quality –Lineage and Compliance
Data Quality Managers can define Data Quality Policies to describe how data should exist to be useful and usable within an organization and classify data them by Data Quality dimensions. They can assess data quality though campaigns and monitor data quality status and evolution.
The solution also supports Data Lineage to uncover the life cycle of data to understand and visualize how data flows from data sources to consumption.
HOPEX Data Governance provides an integration that allows you to access the Unified Compliance Framework (UCF) library of compliance documents and controls. From UCF Data user can import regulatory frameworks content enriched by UCF Control directive. This allows companies to reduce the time and cost of Data compliance.
HOPEX Information Architecture
HOPEX Information Architecture addresses the needs of the Data Architects covering the conceptual, logical and physical description of data. In this release the product benefit from a modernized and simplified UI and a Data Source Extractor now supporting 64-bits drivers and ODBC data sources.
HOPEX Information Architecture Desktop is improved and simplified to be easier to use. It highlights the part of the glossary for the definition of terms, concepts and their domains.
Data Source Extractor
This tool is now also available both in 32-bits and in 64-bits version to allow the use of 64-bits drivers and ODBC Data Sources.
HOPEX Data Source Extractor can be downloaded from HOPEX Store :
HOPEX Integrated Risk Management (IRM)
In this new release, HOPEX IRM has been enhanced to fully support the IT compliance use case and we developed a completely new Business Continuity Management module to help you improve operational resiliency.
HOPEX IRM also benefits from a completely modernized UI and many platform improvements such as the new drag and drop questionnaire builder or the new dashboarding engine to facilitate continuous compliance monitoring.
Business Continuity Management (option)
HOPEX IRM now provides a comprehensive Business Continuity Management (BCM) module, allowing organizations to analyze the criticality of their processes via Business Impact Analysis (BIA); build Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) and manage disrupting events to ensure the recovery of affected operations within the pre-defined time objectives.
Designed specifically to help organizations plan and manage their operational resiliency by leveraging information stored within Enterprise architecture, HOPEX IRM provides a streamline and simple methodology, wrapped around 4 phases:
You can define your Business Continuity scope, by selecting key entities and processes with all their related interdependencies sourced directly from Enterprise Architecture and Business Process Analysis
Based on this selection, you can conduct Business Impact Analysis (BIA) to determine critical activities and their recovery time objectives (RTO) to build the required Business Continuity Plans (BCP)
Business Continuity Plans can be automatically triggered in case of incidents so that designated personnel know how to respond to the emergency and the steps to recover to a business-as-usual mode as quickly as possible.
Finally, through our real-time reporting, you can monitor the status and progress of your business continuity plans.
IT Compliance
HOPEX IRM now provides a dedicated template to carry out control assessments starting from a list of applicable regulations, and a set of ready to use reports, in order to fully address the concerns of Compliance Officers and CISOs, helping them demonstrate compliance to applicable regulations, and ensuring IT assets are duly secured.
The new Assessment Template, called Control Assessment by Regulatory Framework, allows organizations to carry out an assessment of Controls in the context of either Applications or Processes, starting from a Regulatory Framework.
Leveraging our partnership with the Unified Compliance Framework (UCF), you can select the IT regulatory standards that matter to you with their accompanying controls to be imported directly into HOPEX and then follow a simple 3 steps approach to manage your IT compliance initiative:
You can map IT controls to your relevant IT assets, sourced directly from the inventory designed in Enterprise Architecture,
Once this mapping is done, using our flexible assessment engine, you can assess those IT controls for effectiveness and to identify and mitigate deficiencies,
Finally, through our real-time reporting capability, you are able to report with confidence and evidence to the board and to the regulatory authorities on your current IT compliance status.
Check out the full HOPEX V5 Release Note for more information on the release.
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